A message to our cities and townsahead of World Cities Day Ms Kobie Brand Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Regional Director, ICLEI Africa On Sunday we celebrate World Cities Day, this year focused on adapting to climate change and building urban resilience. It is important to remember that truly resilient cities and regions not only tackle the … Continued

We accelerate circularity in the intersecting areas of food, health and climate change through an incubation programme and knowledge exchange.

Feature City Profile: Creating resilience through food in Quelimane Both as Mayor, and in his role as a member of the ICLEI Africa Committee, Mayor Manuel de Araújo of Quelimane is passionate about the issues of food security and how urban food can be used as a lever for change. Quelimane Limpa The effects of … Continued

Our actions during this decade will define the cities and towns our children’s children will call home. Let’s make them proud. The pandemic proved we are capable of rapid change in the midst of uncertainty and the reason why the One Health concept is so core to our wellbeing. On this World Environment Day, let’s … Continued

Message from our Director Ms Kobie Brand Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Regional Director, ICLEI Africa 2021 is a big year for our planet. This is what it means for our cities. This year marks a key moment in global negotiations and commitments for both nature and climate. As nations continue to recover from the COVID-19 … Continued

The Circle City Scan Tool will help cities discover circular economy opportunities. We share experiences from Accra and Cape Town on the role urban data plays in circular economy solutions and the challenges to make informed decisions that respond to local contexts.

Ms Kobie Brand Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Regional Director, ICLEI Africa Message from our Regional Director, Kobie Brand 2020 will long be remembered as the most unpredictable and extraordinary year of our lives – at least for the majority of people alive today. As the year now draws to a close, we take time to … Continued