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Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems

We address the systemic underpinnings of food insecurity and environmental impact by strengthening linkages between stakeholders in Africa and Europe.

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Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems

Years active:

2022 - 2026

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Related ICLEI Pathway(s)


Cape Town, Kisumu, Mbale, Ouagadougou, Tunis, Arusha, Antananarivo, Quelimane, Dakar, Lusaka, Niamey, Windhoek, Tamale, Bukavu, Rabat, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Montpellier, Bruges

Funded by

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.

Project summary

Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Environments through Strengthening Linkages between Food Systems Stakeholders in Cities across the Continent and Europe

Launched in December 2022, AfriFOODlinks is an EU funded project. Coordinated by ICLEI Africa, the project gathers 26 partners across the globe to improve food security and urban sustainability in 65+ cities in Africa and Europe by:

  • Applying an urban food systems lens to promote shifts to healthy, sustainable diets
  • Transforming urban food environments through real-world socio-technical experiments
  • Promoting inclusive multi-actor governance to empower public officials, small businesses and communities with ownership and agency to shape their food systems
  • Accelerating innovative, women- and youth-led agri-food businesses to support local value addition and inclusive economic participation.

Project aims

AfriFOODlinks aims to address the systemic underpinnings of food insecurity and environmental impact, to lead to real transformation. Urban food environments are the key area for improving nutrition and reducing environmental impact in African cities because this is where residents make choices about the food they eat.

It is also where the food security priorities of food availability, access, agency, utilisation and stability manifest.

AfriFOODlinks envisions a thriving network of cities in Africa and beyond, in which food systems and nutrition are firmly established on the local governance agenda. Citizen-led multi-stakeholder governance platforms welcome diverse voices to inform policy and urban planning processes that promote food and nutrition security and environmentally regenerative practices.
- AfriFOODlinks Vision Statement

Project highlights

AfriFOODlinks sees 3 drivers of the urban food environment’s form, function and dynamics:

AfriFOODLinks is divided into 6 packages of work, which will be managed by specialists and experts in those particular fields, and will include a number of project partners

The project website and knowledge hub has been launched!

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team manager

Main project contact


Dr Luke Metelerkamp

Senior Professional Officer: Urban Systems
The project team

Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems team

Dr Luke Metelerkamp
Paul Currie
Ruby Schalit
Ivan Pauw
Dr Fru Wanka
Sinethemba Mthethwa
Tashi Piprek
Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems
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