The Ministry of Environment and Rwanda Environment Management Authority have hosted the launch of the Urban Low Emissions Development Strategy (Urban-LEDS II) Project. The project will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Rwanda by promoting and developing low carbon development strategies in selected cities and towns. This will contribute to achieving Rwanda’s … Continued

Meeting discusses threats brought about by rapid urbanization 18 April 2018, Durban – More than half of Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) population could be living in urban areas by 2050 posing huge challenges for poor towns and cities, which already face challenges such as poverty and inequalities. These are coupled with growing levels of food insecurity … Continued

Gauteng, demographic and economic hub of South Africa, has joined ICLEI, the global network of cities and subnational governments leading the way towards a sustainable urban future. “It is our pleasure to announce the news and welcome this important second tier subnational government, which now joins many of its fellow African cities, towns, districts and … Continued

Africa is going to be one of the regions most in need of innovative solutions for tackling water and Climate Change-related challenges. The successful interaction among relevant stakeholders from both Africa and Europe in water management is of principal importance when trying to generate, increase and exchange knowledge and innovation that address the demands for … Continued

ICLEI Africa seeks to appoint a service provider to develop spatial links between ecosystem services and biophysical attributes for the City of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in line with the INTERACT-BIO project. TERMS OF REFERENCE We require the services of an expert to spatially link ecosystem services with biophysical attributes and habitats for the City … Continued

SALGA, the South African Local Government Association, hosted the first Local Government Energy Summit, from 7 to 9 March 2018, in Gauteng, South Africa. Over 700 delegates from municipalities, including mayors, municipal managers, and technical officials, as well as a range of organisations, attended the three day summit, with the theme “Defining the Energy Future … Continued

ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center, together with project partners SwedBio and the Stockholm Resilience Centre, have designed a cutting edge project – Urban Natural Assets for Africa – to support the local implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets to conserve and protect nature in cities in sub-Sahara Africa. The UNA Rivers component of this project is … Continued

Executive Mayor of the City of Tshwane and ICLEI Africa Regional & Global Executive Committee Member, Solly Msimanga, met with ICLEI Africa Regional Director, Kobie Brand, on 8 March to discuss the African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF). This regular pan-African event is hosted by the City of Tshwane, South Africa, and will take place this … Continued

ICLEI – LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY – AFRICA SECRETARIAT – Seeks to appoint a service provider to undertake an institutional scoping and development of a framework for the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and indicators Terms of Reference 1. BACKGROUND Following the post-2015 development agenda, municipalities are confronted with the challenge of … Continued

Disaster risk reduction is essential in African cities, not only to deal with real-time disasters, but also to proactively enact policies, plans and actions that reduce the impact of future disasters. In the second half of 2017, ICLEI Africa, in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), worked with 50 cities … Continued