With over 2,500 delegates, the ICLEI World Congress 2015 is the biggest forum discussing the development of urban sustainability in 2015 worldwide. It has offered ICLEI members and delegates the chance to highlight their achievements, to connect with partners, and to learn from each other. It has also served as a landmark occasion for local … Continued

The “Daegu-Gyeongbuk Water Action for Sustainable Cities and Regions” was signed by 26 local and provincial governments at the 4th Local and Regional Authorities Conference held at the 7th World Water Forum in South Korea acknowledging the importance of local governments and their role in water issues. The document acknowledged the importance of local governments’ roles in resolving … Continued

ICLEI shares the vision of building a world of local action and outcomes of World Congress 2015 with HABITATIII delegations attending the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee in Nairobi, Kenya on 14-16 April 2015. Core ICLEI delegation at HABITATIII PrepCom2 includes; – Mauricio Rodas Espinel, Mayor, Quito, Ecuador; Member of ICLEI Global Executive Committee … Continued

Recently I had the pleasure to speak to Pieter Mathews, former President of the Pretoria Institute of Architecture, about the importance of cultural identity in Tshwane and how this can manifest in a variety of ways. As the Convener of the unique Cool Capital Biennale first held in 2014 Mathews was able to offer great insight … Continued

The 4th Local and Regional Authorities Conference, held under the title of “Toward a Roadmap for implementation”, opens today at Gyeongju, South Korea during the 7th World Water Forum. Dedicated to water management issues and challenges faced by local and regional governments (LRAs), the 4th edition of the conference pays special focus on the implementation of … Continued

Session 2 on day 1 of the Local and Regional Authorities Conference focused on the recent progress in water actions in cities. Mayors from various cities shared recent developments in their areas. Gilmar Alves Machado, Mayor of Uberlandia, Brazil spoke about innovative water projects going on in his city. Uberlandia is among the top ten in … Continued

The ICLEI Africa Inaugural Committee Meeting took place at the World Congress in Seoul, South Korea, on the morning of Wednesday 8 April, 2015. One of the purposes of this meeting was for the Mayors to elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the Committee. We are now delighted to announce that Honourable Mayor Abel Langsi, … Continued

The relationship between ICLEI Africa and City of Johannesburg continues to strengthen, with ICLEI Africa’s climate change team recently facilitating a one day session to take stock and review their entry to the Earth Hour City Challenge competition in 2014 – 2015. Johannesburg was one of the South African national finalists of the 2014 – 2015 … Continued

The low-carbon team of ICLEI Africa recently facilitated a two day workshop for GIZ and the National Department of Environmental Affairs on Energy Performance Contracting. The final consultancy workshop of the South African component of the V-NAMA project was hosted by ICLEI Member eThekwini Municipality. The workshop aimed to share the results of a pilot run … Continued

Lusaka City Council in partnership with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability – Africa recently held a workshop under the auspices of the Sustainable Urban Resilient Water for Africa: Developing Local Climate Solutions (SURe Water 4 Africa: Developing LOCs) project. The workshop series provides a platform for the city to receive feedback on the research around … Continued