In April 2017, the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) published the flagship study “Future Energy Scenarios for African Cities – Unlocking Opportunities for Climate Responsive Development”. The relevance of this study comes about as cities consume up to 80% of total energy production and release 75% of global CO2 emissions. With Africa’s … Continued

UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and ICLEI to set the global agenda on how insurers and cities could work together to shape a resilient and sustainable urban future. Bonn, 18 May 2017—The first-ever summit on insurance industry-city collaboration towards a resilient and sustainable urban future concluded with a set of ambitious goals. Dr … Continued

We are proud to announce the three winners of our SURe Water 4 Africa project Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Competition: Bulawayo, Lusaka and Walvis Bay. As winners of the competition, these three cities were awarded the opportunity to jointly develop a CBA of their city with the assistance of leading industry experts. The analysis will focus … Continued

The City Innovation Platform: A guide to multi-sector collaboration on resilience. This guide looks at the City Innovation Platform (CIP), a two-day workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 2016. The CIP explored how the public and private sectors can collaborate more effectively to deliver sustainable, financeable and insurable infrastructure projects. The workshop involved the … Continued

African Utility Week in Cape Town to showcase home-grown solutions as well as business opportunities in continent’s energy market The award-winning African Utility Week, taking place from 16-18 May in Cape Town, will showcase how the continent is coming up with innovative, home-grown solutions to its energy and water challenges and how these are creating … Continued

In March, AfriAlliance reached an important milestone: the official inaugural launch conference at the Local Climate Solutions for Africa: Water & Climate Congress. Read the full newsletter here in English and French.

From the 22nd to the 24th of March 2017, delegates gathered in the City of Ekurhuleni to explore the challenges surrounding water and sanitation in African cities. See daily digests of day 1, day 2 and day 3 or contact for more information.

Download “A Place for Subnational Governments at the International Climate Negotiating Table,” published by the South African institute of International Affairs and written by ICLEI Africa’s Luke Moore here. 

ICLEI Africa co-authors Working Paper on decision-making by unpacking the ‘City Learning Lab’ approach Download the paper here.

ICLEI Africa attended the 3th BRICS Urbanisation Forum in India from the 14th to the 16th of September, 2016. The theme for the Third BRICS Urbanisation Forum, held in Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India was ‘Urban Transition in BRICS’. ICLEI Africa was invited to represent ICLEI’s BRICS members (which included members from the South American, South … Continued