A Municipal Learning Exchange between the City of Cape Town and Stellenbosch Municipality took place last 6 November 2014. It forms part of the series of capacity building workshops aimed at Earth Hour City Challenge participants this year, endorsed by the South African Local Governments Association (SALGA) in the Western Cape. This inception meeting hosted … Continued

The Durban Adaptation Charter for Local Governments (DAC) held a first nation-wide follow-up training for all Tanzanian local governments that are signatories to the DAC today. This follows up from the second Local Climate Solutions for Africa Congress (LOCS 2013) held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Over 120 leaders signed the Charter, the large majority of which represented … Continued

The Earth Hour City Challenge 2014-2015 was officially launched in pilot cities Arusha and Moshi on 16-17 October. The Earth Hour City Challenge 2014-2015 was officially launched in pilot cities Arusha and Moshi on 16-17 October. Honourable Lord Mayor Gaudence Lyimo of Arusha city opened the occasion on 16 October 2014. Dr Menan Jangu of … Continued

From macro-economic opportunities and efficiencies in the transport of goods to delivery of social services and ensuring overall well-being, the role that transport plays in development is undeniable. Thus sustainable transport not only plays a crucial role in mainstreaming the green economy, but also achieving sustainable development goals. In light of this the United Nations … Continued

A unique event will take place in Johannesburg from 1-31 October 2015, during South Africa’s Transport Month. The City will be organizing the world’s second-ever ‘EcoMobility World Festival 2015’ – a month-long car-free city district event. The project will visualize an ecomobile future for residents and visitors in Johannesburg. “We want to close off certain … Continued

The 54 month European Commission funded “Sustainable Urban Resilient Water for Africa: Developing Local Climate Solutions” project which is now heading towards the close of year two. The project saw six implementing local authorities moving from the inception phase of conceptualisation towards understanding their local climate risks and vulnerability. We have had an exciting year … Continued

ICLEI recently redesigned and relaunched its blog, CityTalk. Initially created to provide additional coverage of the recent UN Climate Summit, the blog will now be used as an informal space for news, reflections, commentary and debate around ICLEI and its work. CityTalk will feature contributions from ICLEI staff, ICLEI members, and external figures connected to … Continued

At a champagne breakfast at the 12th Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (led by ICLEI Africa in partnership with the ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center), together with project partners SwedBio, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the South African Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), the Global Biodiversity Information Facility … Continued

Long standing ICLEI member and leading city on sustainability, eThekwini (Durban), along with the ICLEI Africa Secretariat (as part of the Urban-LEDS project), MILE, and under the auspices of the Durban Adaptation Charter for Local Governments , conducted a learning exchange and study tour from 8 to 10 October, 2014 in Durban. This also forms … Continued

Every year on the 15th of October more than 150 million people in over 50 countries around the world celebrate the Global Handwashing Day. This event was originally created for children to promote handwashing with soap. As research shows, children can influence their communities with new ideas and behaviors and can change their way of thinking. … Continued