Nakuru County, Kenya’s fourth most populous, is one of the front runners in addressing climate change and is taking action through embarking on the process of developing

We are proud to announce the launch of our new handbook series: The Value of Urban Natural Assets When Planning for Resilient African Cities: Considerations and Decision-Making Processes, developed through the Urban Natural Assets for Africa (UNA) programme.

An open letter from our Regional Director, Kobie Brand

READ THIS ARTICLE IN ENGLISH La pandémie COVID-19 met nos communautés, nos gouvernements, nos systèmes de santé et nos économies à rude épreuve. Pendant cette période, beaucoup de nos villes sont confrontées à d’immenses crises sanitaires qui s’ajoutent aux défis cumulatifs et sans précèdent du développement durable. Il sera donc d’autant plus important de renforcer … Continued

When 10 African cities met in Cape Town to learn about climate change adaptation action planning and coastal resilience, they didn’t expect to participate actively, draw on walls and create mazes out of string. But by doing so, they went home with practical tools and a new drive for making their cities climate-ready.

Urban metabolism is an intuitive concept aimed at managing resource consumption and making cities more sustainable. The concept is most studied in the Global North, and there is little insight into how we implement urban metabolism principles in the Global South. Urban Intertwininga new ICLEI Africa project, intends to reframe the principles, tools and approaches of urban metabolism to be practical, tangible and applicable to cities on our continent. This will be achieved by embracing the decentralised, informal, fluid and interconnected nature of our resource systems to shape thriving, equitable African cities.