The Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) based at the University of Cape Town will be running its annual course, ‘Winter School : Using climate information for adaptation and policy development’, from 30 June-11 July 2014. This 2-week intensive course has been developed specifically for participants from developing country and aims to take participants through the … Continued

The City of Arusha in northern Tanzania not only has a large and growing urban population, but increasingly has an international role, as the host city of the East African Community (EAC) and the International Tribunal for Rwanda. This rapidly developing ICLEI member has now developed a strategy to curb its traffic congestion problems, with … Continued

The ICLEI Global Town Hall @ Metropolitan Solutions opened with businesses and cities coming together to create brighter futures for its citizens. “Cities fighting climate change and mitigation are cities where people are sitting together (transport, businesses, buildings, governments) and working with each other towards finding solutions. You need to get out of your box … Continued

Journeys Towards Sustainability – City Of Cape Town

The time has long since past when development of cities via silo and singular implementation outcomes was best-practice. Nowadays with the cumulative risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, cities have to change how they progress, build, develop and plan. Every opportunity for saving resources means that precious municipal budget can be saved, and resources … Continued

Re-imagining Sustainable Urban Transitions

The 6th Lagos Climate Change Summit was held from 18 – 20 March on Victoria Island in the large ICLEI Member City of Lagos, Nigeria. This important African congress series has dealt with a range of themes in turn. Last year’s event focused on adaptation and vulnerability of housing and infrastructure; this year, the topic … Continued

The end of February saw workshop participants from Steve Tshwete map out four possible low-emission development futures for the area. This workshop was the first of two exciting scenario planning exercises designed to bring local people together around a common vision for sustainable, low-emission growth and prosperity in the region. Low-emission development involves making decisions … Continued

In this short film ICLEI Africa asked everyday citizens, as well as some delegates at the Local Climate Solutions for Africa Congress in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, what their hopes and dreams were for the city they call home… this is what they had to say. The video was made possible by funding from … Continued

In an innovative future scenario planning process, KwaDukuza Municipality and key stakeholders came together to create a low-carbon development vision for the area’s future growth and development. The local stakeholders, joined by neighbouring municipalities and Provincial representatives, continued building on the success of the first scenario planning imbizo in November by delving deeper into one … Continued