Climate change and climate change adaptation can be overwhelming concepts to city officials. This series of five short videos provides a basic introduction to climate change, climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions, the Paris Agreement and adaptation planning Climate change explained When we see weather-related disasters on the news, climate change is often mentioned as the … Continued

Ms Kobie Brand Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Regional Director, ICLEI Africa Message from our Regional Director, Kobie Brand 2020 will long be remembered as the most unpredictable and extraordinary year of our lives – at least for the majority of people alive today. As the year now draws to a close, we take time to … Continued

A collective movement that enables tangible climate change action in African cities by strengthening collaboration between community groups and local governments.

We create an enabling environment to provide adequate, safe, reliable, clean and affordable access to energy to the urban poor in informal settlements.

The LoCS4Africa virtual congress is the first of its kind on the continent and this year’s only virtual climate change congress for African city leaders and innovators. It will bring together government officials, innovators, entrepreneurs and financiers to find solutions for unlocking climate finance in Africa. An interactive virtual platform will play host to inspiring … Continued

Cities have not been able to tap into opportunities to finance projects and interventions that will help them reach this potential.

~ Kobie Brand