The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania’s (ALAT) Secretary General Mr Shamumoyo is flying the flag for Tanzanian Local Authorities at Resilient Cities 2015 in Bonn, Germany. ALAT is a membership based organisation that brings together all the urban and district councils in Tanzania and whose overall vision is to be a representative voice for all … Continued

The Subnational Integration of LEDS Working Group has released a new publication highlighting key opportunities, barriers and solutions they could better engage and support their cities and subnational government counterparts to unlock and accelerate mitigation actions, and strengthen both national and international commitments. Download the publication here! About LEDS Global Partnership The Low Emission Development … Continued

At the 2015 Resilient Cities Congress, which forms part of a series of annual global forums, which focus on urban resilience and adaptation, the Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor of Kaohsiung City, signed the Durban Commitment: Local Governments for Biodiversity. The Durban Commitment was developed and founded by the 21 pioneer Local Action for … Continued

FindaLift and the EcoMobility World Festival have a strong commitment to commuters and the environment. We feel that by empowering individuals with easy to use, technologically advanced systems – we can all make a difference. EcoMobility World Festival FindaLift is a carpool platform that will enable members to match their private car journeys to others … Continued

An exciting new era of cooperation between ICLEI and the Ramsar Secretariat for the Convention on Wetlands was announced at the Ramsar Wetland City Accreditation side event at the 12th Ramsar Conference of the Parties (COP 12) in Uruguay. A long standing partnership between these two organisations has been formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding, … Continued

The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) was established by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and rewards funds to promote behaviour change activities (especially among the vulnerable and marginalised) in communities to access safe sanitation and adopt good hygiene practices. GSF promotes public participation and stakeholder engagement in order to address the severe deficiencies in … Continued

Local and subnational governments are seeking to provide impetus to the ongoing UN Bonn Climate Change Conference by demonstrating their climate leadership and ambition. The Conference is primarily focusing on trimming the 80-page draft to be adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December 2015. ICLEI will have a strong presence throughout the two weeks … Continued

Savanne District Council, in the south of the Mauritius, is one of the most scenic and unspoiled parts of the island nation. Savanne District is located in the far south of the island nation of Mauritius. It has an estimated population of just over 70,000 and covers an area of 244.8 km2. The District is … Continued

The City of Bogor played host to the second of two international networking seminars of the Urban-LEDS project, the first being held in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa in 2013. These seminars are a highlight of the project as they bring together ICLEI staff from the five implementing regional offices (Europe, South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, and … Continued

Together with one hundred delegates, representing dozens of national agencies, international organizations and research institutions, ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability was proud to mark the United Nations’ International Day for Biological Diversity while concluding the Africa Rising Conference, a four-day event held in Cape Town from 18-22 May 2015. Attendees convened at Kirstenbosch National Botanical … Continued