Just 3 months ago in October-November 2013, over 450 registered delegates from 25 countries, including 300 local government representatives, came together to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change in a rapidly urbanising Africa. The Congress was the launching pad for new ideas, initiatives, partnerships and projects. You can see some of the … Continued

It is our pleasure to announce the new ICLEI Africa Executive Committee for the period of 2015-2018. This new pan-African leadership body was elected in the governance process that culminated at the end of last year. The ICLEI Africa Committee represents the ICLEI Members of Africa. As with each other region’s Committee, it consists of several … Continued

Lagos State, the megacity ICLEI Member in southern Nigeria, has consistently led the way in a range of sustainability activities – from solar power in public institutions to innovative adaptation measures – it well deserves this member of the month recognition. Megacity Lagos State, the largest urban area in Africa and the economic powerhouse of West … Continued

ICLEI presents a short video featuring Secretary General Gino Van Begin who offers our members and partners best wishes for 2015. We also look at some of the exciting events that the year will bring. Watch it here!

The South African national climate change response monitoring and evaluation system is the first of its kind globally – one that integrates both adaptation and mitigation into one coherent and integrating system. This process will enhance intergovernmental (as well as interdepartmental) collaboration, national consolidation of mitigation, adaptation and climate finance information as well as informing … Continued

Municipal Mayors and Councillors from four municipalities from around the country visited Cape Town on 27 January 2015 to experience and share examples of low carbon innovation and sustainability in a practical manner. These Mayors are part of a larger group of 7 Mayors participating in ICLEI Africa’s Local Leadership programme that inspires and enables the … Continued

At the 48th Meeting of the Ramsar Standing Committee, at the IUCN headquarters in Gland, Switzerland, a Ramsar draft resolution has been approved by the Standing Committee, to take to the Ramsar COP 12, which will be held in Uruguay in June 2015. The Ramsar Wetland City Accreditation (SC-48-29) will encourage a positive relationship between the … Continued

The Government of ICLEI member Lagos State, Nigeria, has brought solar power to 172 schools and 11 Public Health Centers around Lagos State. This is to provide underprivileged and underserved communities with a clean, sustainable and trustworthy energy supply, and constitutes an immensely significant and progressive move. The immense project was begun on 7 January … Continued

Key Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report Download the Key Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report

This webinar will introduce two CDKN-funded projects: “Building coastal resilience” implemented in Ghana and “Public Private People Partnerships for Climate Compatible Development (4PCCD)” implemented in Mozambique. This webinar will introduce two CDKN-funded projects: “Building coastal resilience” implemented in Ghana and “Public Private People Partnerships for Climate Compatible Development (4PCCD)” implemented in Mozambique. These two projects offer … Continued