We support local governments in Africa to protect and revitalise their urban natural assets by integrating nature-based solutions into land use planning for increased resilience.

In a time when our cities are bursting at the seams, we need deep, systemic change to build climate resilient cities through preserving our urban nature – laws and policies that embed nature in city planning. Changing policy is a slow, uphill journey, which makes our recent influence in Malawi all the more significant. Lilongwe … Continued

The National Government of Tanzania is moving towards taking formal steps to protect and enhance nature in cities as they expand to accommodate their mushrooming populations. ICLEI Africa is assisting to facilitate the process to ensure nature is prioritised and effectively integrated in the country’s planning processes. Rising floods in Dar es Salaam Dar es … Continued

The UNA Rivers project supports local governments in African cities to protect and revitalise their urban natural assets around river systems.

The province of KwaZulu-Natal felt the impact of climate change acutely this year. In April, 71 people died and thousands were displaced following severe flooding. Premier Sihle Zikalala acknowledges that climate change is partially responsible for the severity of the floods. He also noted the annual sardine run – an iconic and internationally renowned natural … Continued

In a world where significant environmental changes are affecting global communities, researchers are challenging the view that science is superior to local knowledge and acknowledging with respect and care, the lived experience of those dealing with the impacts of climate change. These transformative ways of learning invite all who call a city home to co-produce … Continued

This year, Resilient Cities, a milestone international event held in Bonn, Germany from 26 to 28 June, celebrated its 10th anniversary.African-led solutions, in particular, contributed a unique insight into future urban resilience. Organised by ICLEI and the city of Bonn, the annual conference connects local government leaders and experts to discuss resilience challenges facing urban … Continued

Pas moins de 37 capitales africaines -un nombre jamais atteint depuis la création du Forum- ont participé à la cinquième édition du Forum des Capitales Africaines Durables (ACCSF), dans la capitale sud-africaine, les 24 et 25 juin 2019. Les Maires des capitales africaines et leurs représentants se sont engagés collectivement en faveur du développement durable … Continued

Mayors commit to collective responsibility for realising sustainable African capital cities A record number of 37 African capital cities participated in the fifth African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF) from 24 to 25 June. Through the adoption of the Tshwane Declaration of 2019, Mayors and their representatives committed to collective responsibility for sustainable African capital … Continued